Next: Introduction to Customers

The Product is the form in which you sell your Crops to your Customers.

SeedLeaf allows you to create Products for both cut and live Products

  • Cut Products are cut from a living Crop and packaged in some fashion - in either bulk quantities or individual packages.

  • Live Products are Crops that are sold "as is" and do not require cutting; live Products may be placed in a type of packaging for transport or display.

A product contains seven elements you can edit:

  1. Product name

  2. The Crop or Crops (for blends) that make up the Product

  3. Percent of each Crop in a blend, by weight (if applicable)

  4. Whether the Product is cut and packaged or sold live (Note: blends can only be cut and packaged)

  5. Product size: small, medium, large (all for cut Crops) or tray (only for live Crops)

  6. Product weight for each size

  7. Product price for each size

To add a new single-Crop, cut Product to SeedLeaf:

STEP 1: Navigate to the Products page and click the "Add" button at the top of the page

STEP 2: Enter a Product name

  • Try to keep Product names short but descriptive

  • You can use your actual Product marketing name or a SeedLeaf specific name

STEP 3: Choose a Crop

STEP 4: Go to the "Type" dropdown menu and choose "Cut"

STEP 5: Choose a size: small, medium, or large

STEP 6: Enter the weight for your chosen size

STEP 7: Enter the price for your chosen size

STEP 8: Click on the "Add Size" button to add another size and follow steps 5 to 7 to add more sizes (optional)

To add a new multi-Crop, cut Product (Blend) to SeedLeaf:

STEP 1: Enter a Product name

STEP 2: Choose the first Crop in the blend from the dropdown menu

STEP 3: Click the "Add Blend" button

STEP 4: Enter the Crop proportion (by weight) for the first Crop you entered

STEP 5: Enter the second Crop in your blend

STEP 6: Enter the Crop proportion (by weight) for the second crop

STEP 7: Click "Add blend" to add another Crop and follow the same steps as above

  • NOTE: Crop proportions must add up to 100%!

STEP 8: Select "cut" from the "type" dropdown menu

Then follow the steps from above to create Product sizes, weights, and prices


To add a new "Live" Product to SeedLeaf:

STEP 1: Enter a Product name

STEP 2: Choose a Crop

  • NOTE: Be sure to select the proper crop if you have multiple variants of the same Crop 

STEP 3: Select "Live Tray" in the "Type" dropdown menu

STEP 4: Enter a price

STEP 5: Click on the "Add" button to save your Product

Pairing Products and Crops

Using Sunflower as an example, let's say you sell sunflower as both live and cut, and you only grow your Crops in 1020 trays. You have two options about how to manage and name your Crops:

  1. You have a single Crop called "Sunflower - 1020" and you can select this for both your live and cut options when creating a Product.

  2. You have two distinct sunflower Crops - one for live Products and one for cut Products

    • "Sunflower 1020 - Live"

    • "Sunflower 1020 - Cut"

Separating them this way is a bit more work and and could be confusing, but helps you better designate your Crops for live and cut purposes - which can be helpful in keeping you organized.

If you grow your live and cut Crops in different sized trays it is even easier to differentiate the crops, but it can still be useful to use a "Live" modifier in the name:

  • "Sunflower - 1020" (used for cut Products)

  • "Sunflower - Live 5x5" (used for live 5x5 tray Products)

Duplicating Products

You can duplicate a Product by clicking on the "Duplicate" button at the top of each individual Product page. Doing so creates an exact duplicate of you Product, so you need to create a new name for your duplicate Product so as not to confuse it with your previous version. You will also want to change at least one aspect of the Product to differentiate it from the previous version (otherwise, why duplicate it?!). 

If you are going to keep both Products active, you will want to name them in a way that they don't get confused. For example, maybe you name them based on different sizing:

  • Spicy Mix, 100 g

  • Spicy Mix, 110 g

Check out the tutorial video below on the basics of the Products page. If you're ready to get into more advanced Product management, check out our Advanced Products Editing tutorial, where we show you how to customize Product names to more easily pack and sort your Products for different markets.

Next: Introduction to Customers