When you log onto SeedLeaf the Tasks page is the default page that will open. This is because SeedLeaf wants to highlight the Tasks that need to be done that day to keep your Crops on schedule.
There is a "Day" View and a "Week" View for Tasks that you can toggle between. Week View gives you an overview of your soaking sowing, and uncovering tasks for the week (total trays for each task on each day) while Day View gives you the specific details for your tasks for each day.
SeedLeaf generates 5 different crop production tasks automatically based on your orders:
Soak seeds (to prepare for sowing; optional)
Sow seeds (before putting crop into germination stage)
Uncover Crops (to expose them to light)
Harvest Crops to create Products
Package cut Crops or prepare live Crops for transport
Each Task comes with its own set of information to help you complete the task:
The Soak Task provides the following:
Crops you are soaking Seed for
Soaking rate for the trays you are using (g or oz of seed per tray)
Soak time for your Seeds
Number of trays you are soaking Seed for
The Harvest date for which you are soaking those trays
The Sow Task provides the following:
Crops you are sowing Seed for
Sowing rate for the trays you are using (g or oz of dry seed per tray)
Number of trays you are sowing
The Harvest date for which you are soaking those trays
NOTE: Your Task list will most often have soaking and sowing Tasks for the same crops on the same day as most Crops only need a short soaking period, if they are soaked at all.
The Uncover Task provides the following:
Crop you are uncovering
Number of trays you are uncovering
The Harvest date for which you are soaking those trays
NOTE: SeedLeaf does not account for a second germination period or "black-out" period. This needs to be managed manually.
The Harvest Task provides the following:
Crops you are harvesting
Number of trays you are harvesting
Total expected yield for each Crop
NOTE: Live trays are not included in the "Harvest" Task list
The Package Task provides the following:
Date the Tasks should be conducted
Products you are packaging
Quantity of each size of Product you are packaging, including live trays